HAF Fulcrum Support Tube

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Fulcrum Support Tube used to stabilize the hollowing bar for hollowing. Painted to the color of your choice. This accessory provides a fulcrum and pivot point to gain mechanical advantage over the long hollowing bar during hollowing.

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Fulcrum for mechanical advantage and stability

Fulcrum Support Tube used to stabilize the hollowing bar for hollowing. Painted to the color of your choice. This accessory provides a fulcrum and pivot point to gain mechanical advantage over the long hollowing bar during hollowing – requires guarded tool rest or accessory guarded tool rest for mounting. See the red part in front of the turner’s hand on the photo…

Banjo height of some lathes

Some lathes like Oneway and Robust may have a banjo that is too high for the standard guarded tool rest. Measure from the spindle to the top of your banjo without the tool rest mounted.  If this distance is less than 3.5 inches, then you would need either an Accessory Guarded Tool Rest or the banjo we offer to solve this problem.  If you plan on having the Ultrabar for very deep hollowing, then you must use the Accessory Guarded Tool Rest.  The Fulcrum Support Tube for the Ultrabar is too tall to mount onto the standard Guarded Tool Rest.  The photo above shows the standard Guarded Tool Rest in the banjo of a Oneway but that banjo is a little too tall.  However we get it to function fine with a slight down hill angle on the hollowing bar.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
    My Cart
    HAG Guarded Tool Rest
    Guarded Tool Rest
    1 X $90.00 = $90.00